Friday, 20 July 2012

"Private beach" eye look!

Hey guys!

Every day I go through a list of my favorite blogs and youtube subscriptions and I'd say this is kind of a hobby of mine. It's really fun to see what other people come up with and what they have to share, isn't it?

Today I was really inspired by a nail look done by Nail Nerd which you can find here HERE !
I saw this and fell in love with it! I am so excited that I feel like calling this THE look of summer! 

I really wanted to try it out but my nails are currently 'growing' and 'resting' … 
Also I thought I'd enhance this look a bit and add gold polish on the tips (and I did try it out on my toenails, love it!)

And the more I was looking at the pictures and thinking about it, I thought "why not use this concept for an eye look?"

And so I did!

Here's some pics of what I used BUT everything can be substituted with other products. Be creative! :)

1. Apply white pencil as a base on the lid and slightly wing it out (shape the eye shadow to your liking). 

2. Take a light blue shadow with a dense shadow brush and apply it on the base. 

3. Take a warm chocolate shadow with a fluffy brush, use it to blend the blue and also place it in the crease (just to give some definition and also to neutralize the blue a tiny bit and warm up the look as blue is kind of cold). Find a shape for shadows that complements you the most!

4. Line the lower lash line with a creamy eye shadow (gives a base).

5. On top of the creamy shadow - place the gold in the inner half. With a taupe color - smoke out the outer half of lower lash line.

6. Finally - line the upper lash line (I suggest brown eye liner, black can be too harsh; besides brown will also add warmth), slightly wing it out. Mascara.

Aaaaand finito! 

I am a bit proud of myself to be honest because I feel like I found a way to wear blue on my eyes! I've never been too fond of blue eye shadows (maybe because I think that it actually looks better on blonds)  but this is just really fun and summery! And reminds me of sea, sun light reflection on water surface! So I called this look - "Private beach"!

Hope this will remind you to  enjoy summer while it lasts! Have a great time!

Miss K.

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