Today I had an idea to do several short blog posts sharing some tips that I find very helpful in my daily routine of makeup.
Does it trouble you wearing mascara on your bottom lashes because in the end of the day (or maybe even half way there) it transfers under your eyes? I know. It's nasty, annoying, you end up looking untidy, as if you were partying at a rock concert the night before. Yes, sometimes it can be a cool look too, but not everyday, for school or work. :D
Anyway, getting to the point.
Some may tell you to use a waterproof mascara and it won't move. Of course, it depends on the product you're using. Maybe you found one that stays perfectly all day (but then it must be pain to remove it).
In my personal experience, even mascara with waterproof formula will smudge if you tend to have oily skin or just get more oily around the eyes. Since you can remove mascara with oil-based eye makeup remover, your natural oils around the eyes works the same way - your lashes rubs against slightly oily skin and makes some product come off.
What I try to do to prevent this from happening is I powder under my eyes, or to be more precise - under the bottom lashes with my regular face powder (which is the Maybelline Dream matte powder, also good for this - a setting powder) and a small fluffy brush which will help to absorb my natural oils during the day and this will help the lash product to stay in place.
There it is. simple, quick and hopefully - effective.
Please let me know if this works for you too! :)
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