Hey guys!
I have a few thoughts on eyes today. Well, it's more like something I always have in mind whilst doing my eyes.
I've had lots of classes on academical drawing where we would analyze antique "heads", their facial features and try our best to depict them well.
One of the most often things teachers would say is to treat face as a 3-dimensional object. Yes. Although faces are more viewed from the front, profile (which is the side view) also does characterize us.
And every single detail on the face must be viewed as 3D, including eyes!
We all now that eyes are basically balls. And eyelids cover the front part. But what is crucial to understand, for example while drawing it, is that eyelids curve around the eye… (I guess you could say that I have been greatly influenced by academical drawing and antique beauty :)
So where I am going with all this? Well, my main issue is when creating a cat eye using winged eye line, it looks great from the front (that's obvious as you do it looking straight at your eye), but as I turn my head, it rather looks weird >.<. Mainly because my upper eyelid goes down at the side and the winged eyeliner looks like nonsense (at least to me).
Ah, maybe I am over thinking but this is one thing that I am picky about - doing my eye makeup so that it has no flaws for my liking.
And that is why I always check the sides of my eyes whilst working of them! :)
I hope this "ramble" made any sense. Hope you have a lovely day!
Always happy to share thoughts -
Miss K.
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